Monday, July 19, 2010

Super Summer 2010--reflection from week 3 and prayer requests for week 4

Hello again!

Wow. God is Good! I can absolutely never say that enough!! He keeps showing me and showing me little glimpses of what that means, and it SO rocks. :)

So week three...SO much to say, both good and challenging. (But challenging is good too, right?) Let's start with some ways that God worked:

At LEAST 27 students accepted Jesus!!!!!!!!!! Pray for these students as they now have to go back into their lives and live that out. There were over 130 decisions total, including things like re-dedication, wanting to be baptized, special prayer requests, assurance of salvation, being called into vocational ministry...etc. Keep these students in your prayers as well, that whatever their decision, God would give them the strength to carry on and to do His will.

This week we were "Orange Bowl". Our mascot was a football player. You should have seen everyone doing the silent was really funny to watch. We were up against the "Blueberries", "Team Shrek", and (this is the best one!) the "Golden Tickets". By the way, the orange team had its first overall victory this last week! (Not that it matters, but it's kinda cool:) )

This week I had KP duty for every meal. It was kinda cool to be able to meet every single student and sponsor in the whole camp (which totaled over 400 people), and giving them all high-fives. I also got to work at the high ropes course! That was a lot of fun too!

God had three different students for me to talk to in the encouraging room this week. The first one was a young and adorable girl who shared some struggles with me about her home life. Praise God that He was able to speak through me to her about some ways she can improve the way she reacts to situations at home. The second was a girl who needed to know if when she had accepted Christ that it had really counted. Through scripture, God was able to help her see that He's always there, even if we can't sense Him, and that she really was a follower of Him. The third was a young man who decided to come back to talk with someone about how he felt God calling him to share Jesus with his friends when he got back home. Not an easy task at all, but it was neat to be able to remind him that God goes with him in those times. Just like our theme verse! "God said, 'My presence will go with you, I'll see the journey to the end.' Moses said, 'If Your presence doesn't take the lead here, call this trip off right now.' " The Holy Spirit gives us the words to speak in those situations! I am so privileged to be used by the Almighty for His glory and Kingdom. God is SO Good!

I know I usually do two blogs, one to reflect on the previous week, one for prayer requests, but this weekend was especially busy. Part of the reason is because I got a visit from some very special people! We went to First Southern Baptist Abeliene, where Shawnee sang a special, and Nathan had the opportunity to preach! Both of my fellow collegiate staffers did a wonderful job! God used them in a very special way that morning!


So for week four, here are some specific things you can be praying over...

1. Pray that God would bind Satan and kick him OUT of this place. Satan has been able to get footholds in and amongst us for far too long. He has no place here, but I know that my God is Greater and Mightier than he is, and He will work no matter what.

2. Pray for unity for us as a collegiate staff. This is something we've really been struggling with since the beginning, but I feel that we're finally getting close to being able to say that we're working as a team.

3. Pray for us as c. staff that we would give God all of ourselves, and more because He supplies us more than ourselves so that we can turn around and let it flow out into others' lives.

4. My prayer and reminder for myself this week (and probably the rest of the time here) comes from 2 Corinthians 9:5b-8, 10-15. I'm also working on memorizing this passage so that I can better carry it with me.

5. All other prayer requests from previous posts still apply, so feel absolutely free to go back and read them!

Thank you so much for all the prayer you have done thusfar, and all that you will continue to do. God is teaching me about the power of prayer while I'm here. We prayer walk a lot, and we've talked about how great times of revival have started with prayer. So don't think you're not helping!!!!

I have to go, but again and again, thank you!

Until next weekend!

Lots and lots of love in Him,
Carly <3

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