Monday, July 5, 2010

Prayer requests for week two

Hello everyone!

I just thought I would give some specific things you could pray for this week.

1. Please pray for our physical health, strength, endurance, and energy. On little sleep and lots of heat, our job isn't easy!

2. Pray for our emotional energy and endurance as well. We spend so much of it pouring into others, we need to make sure we're getting filled up as well.

3. Pray for spiritual discernment, that we would let the Holy Spirit be our guiding Force when we need to make decisions.

4. God has been showing me what it means to live outside of my comfort, pray that I would not only do that, but that I would delight in it because I know that God is using me to impact the Kingdom for His glory! What an honor to be chosen!!

Here are some things that God has been teaching me:
1.God has been teaching me what it truly means to pick up my cross every day, and die to self. There are a lot of difficult things about this task He has called me to. I have a new understanding of what living for Him and not myself means. Truly, what I want does not matter in the slightest. I have a whole new meaning to the phrase "reckless abandon". By His power, that is how I choose to live!

2.Also, I've now seen firsthand that living sold out for Him is not for the faint-hearted. God calls us to things that are far greater than our capabilities...but not above His. Only by His strength are we able to what He wills of us.

So, you should write me a letter... :)
Webster Conference Center
C/o Carly Donaldson
2601 North Ohio
Salina, KS 67401

There, I've even made it easy for ya! Thank you so so so so so much for your prayers!! They are much needed and appreciated! Pray that above all else, God would move in the lives of everyone here (students, sponsors, staff) in ways that only He can, that His will would be done, and lastly that He would receive all of the glory!!

Lots of love!!
Carly <3

1 comment:

  1. You're in my prayers for all of the above. I know that God is using you all as His weapons in His arsenal again the enemy in mighty ways. Here's to the new believers that God will bring to the family this week! Open hearts, open minds to be filled with God's Holy Spirit :)
